WE ARE: 5 women navigating our twenties in search of peace, happiness and love (or not). WE WRITE: about everything and nothing. From the insane to the mundane- you will find different paths taken, lessons learned and lives lived. WE THINK: you’ll enjoy it...Warning: Consumption of these views may leave you enlightened while intoxicated.


The View From Here will conclude on Friday, October 1, our third year anniversary. We would like to spend this month thanking all of our readers, followers, haters, visitors, family, friends, and fans for your continued support, encouragement, and comments over these past few years. Thanks y'all!
-The Five Spot

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

let the games begin!

Happy Hump Day! Your girl Bellini has gotten caught up in the moment, so my original post will have to be displayed another day...

It's showtime!

Barack Obama v. John McCain

Can you imagine the drama that we will encounter from here on out. McCain is all over the change bandwagon. Change this, change that... hmmmm.... with over 20 years in the Senate -- how much change should the American public identify with you? To my GOPers shed some light, 'cuz if this is the strategy McCain will pursue - how much efficacy are you expecting from this strategy. Find the next cue in the playbook.

Speaking of playbook - I see your girl Hillary gots jokes can't even congratulate brotha--huh? That's cool. But you know what Hillary, only you will play that game by yourself. If you are truly vying for a VP spot -- dream on dreamer, 'cuz you showed your ass in the Big Apple. You have no fuck*** class. So, go on and lay low, but note-- no one is checking for you. I sure am not. And if your 18,000,000 supporters were checking for you where the checks at? You're still trying to bank on the hollow rhetoric of your supporters--game over!

Memo to Barack: don't take the fuck*** bait. You stay the course and continue your grind to lure folks to Team Barack. Do you think if the roles were reversed, anybody would be extending an olive branch to you -- hell no. So, let's keep it gully (shouts out to Philly).



*and yes, your girl Bellini is an Obamaholic


mint julep said...

"don't take the f'ing bait...let's keep it gully"

loves it! folks is gettin all excited bout that "dream" ticket when i think we should all step back and look to history, real history.

when has a black man taking a white woman under his wing ever amounted for the good? oj, kobe, emmitt till, countless black men violently converted into strange fruit.

right...obama keep it movin!

Rum Punch said...

Si se puede! Ahhh I can't even hate because if and when I have kids and they ask that 'where were you when history was made' question. I will proudly have to tell them that mommy was eating a fat boy ice cream sandwich(black and white together) when Obama got the nomination. And Mint Julep-You's a fool!

Bellini said...

@mint julep: i loves the "strange fruit" reference -- folks get out your history books-- mint julep knows what she's talkin' bout

@Rum Punch: Lady, you's a fool (damn fat boy ice cream sandwich)-- your future kids don't need to hear nothing from you -- don't fret, Auntie Bellini will tell the story (LOL)

@everybody: I'm so damn happy and yet irritated by Hillary Shrillary. And what is Bob Johnson up to now? Please tell him to go take a vacay on his yacht and not to return to after Thanksgiving. Now cheers to that! P.S. I have to purchase a newspaper so i can frame history.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

lets us see whats up in denver first and mccain is a sly one

Rum Punch said...

@ Bellini - LOL! But I want to show my kids the *cough* photos *cough* of me standing behind Obama holding a YES WE CAN sign. And don't forget the photos of me registering the people to vote and knocking on doors of those bitter, gun clinging folks in the mountains! There are soo many years for me to get my photoshop on! :-)