WE ARE: 5 women navigating our twenties in search of peace, happiness and love (or not). WE WRITE: about everything and nothing. From the insane to the mundane- you will find different paths taken, lessons learned and lives lived. WE THINK: you’ll enjoy it...Warning: Consumption of these views may leave you enlightened while intoxicated.


The View From Here will conclude on Friday, October 1, our third year anniversary. We would like to spend this month thanking all of our readers, followers, haters, visitors, family, friends, and fans for your continued support, encouragement, and comments over these past few years. Thanks y'all!
-The Five Spot

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Corporate Takeover

History just loves repeating itself.
Isn' it interesting when soon after nouveau technology infiltrates the masses the corporate stalwarts feel threatened and decide to capitalize that market for thier profit of course corporate takeover.

Well, you see major telephone and internet companies would like to imbue thier corporate capitalism on the internet. If Time Warner, Comcast, and AT&T had their way they would determine which websites load fast, slow, or worst -- not at all. Essentially, it boils down to pay to play. They envision taxing website providers to name their price on how bad they want their information to reach the masses. Therefore, the "price is right" if you're paying top dollar. Chump change need not play.

Do you know how many small businesses exist exclusively on the world wide web, because they are able to contain expenses and/or lack the capital to lease space? What about the grassroot organizations that can't afford ad space in the newspapers or on television?

The role of advent technology is to level the playing field so to speak. Allow new entrepreneurs to take risk and express their innovation. Now, I know some of you may not care and some of you care deeply about the issue. My hope is that we won't be ignorant about the issue and when you hear or read the words NET NEUTRALITY -- you know what the hell is going on. For more info check out www.savetheinternet.com



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