WE ARE: 5 women navigating our twenties in search of peace, happiness and love (or not). WE WRITE: about everything and nothing. From the insane to the mundane- you will find different paths taken, lessons learned and lives lived. WE THINK: you’ll enjoy it...Warning: Consumption of these views may leave you enlightened while intoxicated.


The View From Here will conclude on Friday, October 1, our third year anniversary. We would like to spend this month thanking all of our readers, followers, haters, visitors, family, friends, and fans for your continued support, encouragement, and comments over these past few years. Thanks y'all!
-The Five Spot

Thursday, July 17, 2008

let it all go

I’ve never been one to hold a grudge (for too long). In part because my memory tends to be a bit shaky and I’m liable to forget what the heck you did six months from now. Partly because I like to think happy thoughts, floating along in a semi-comatose dream-like state. Reminiscing on the past, the beautiful rainbow-colored memories of happier times. Or fantasizing about the future and what joyous things lay in store around the next bend. Somewhere in there I try to come back down to earth just long enough to function and carry out my mundane tasks with a semblance of normalcy.

Oh yes, grudges were what I was talking about. Like I said, I don’t too much care for them. They get in the way of me being my idealistic happy-go-lucky self. Cause there is so much work in schlepping that grudge around from day to day. Not only do you have to remember the wrongs done, but you have to paint a sour face and disposition over an otherwise rosy demeanor, you have to rehash the sins of said friends and family against whom you're holding that grudge to anyone who will listen and declare how wrong the person was for doin’ you dirt.

You have to actively forget all the good times that went down. The countless occasions ya’ll laughed till you cried, waited 5 minutes and laughed again about the same silliness. All the times ya’ll rode bikes around the neighborhood and explored new cul-de-sacs, the houses that you picked out as yours when you got grown enough to be buy it for yourself. You have to think the worst of someone, when thinking the best may come so naturally. You have to believe that people are out to get you instead of understanding that everyone has a slip in judgment every now and again.

I can readily call to mind the times and ways I felt I’ve been wronged, had an “oh no that be-yotch didn’t!” moment and thought to myself why even bother, I mean really why even have friends if they will disappoint you and destroy the faith that you had in the goodness of them. If they will wash away years of trust, as if they have no idea about your character such that they would think the worst of you or do the suckiest stuff to you. Why get close to people if they won’t allow you to do you in a way that doesn’t harm them, instead silently judging you or doing things that "force" you to judge them?

Why indeed?

Cause sometimes your friends can be worse than your enemies, straight hatin’ ass, not worth a damn mofos, making you just want to cut a sucker from ear to ear. They know all your secrets and all your business. So when your friends f’ you over, it is especially hurtful. But like I said, I don’t hold a grudge. I let it marinate for a day or two but I get over it cause I know I’ve done some not so nice things in my life and I would hope that others would forgive my transgressions as well. Of course I don’t forget either, keeping things stored in my memory bank and be quick to send a "bitch please" with a side of "hell naw" your way the next time you step outta line.

But if you don’t let it go, at least releasing that deathly chokehold you have on that grudge, then you’ll soon find yourself with no friends since everyone will make a mistake at some point in time. You will be one lonely bastard with no one who loves you and a grudge the size of the Grand Canyon preventing you from loving others. Life would suck for you because you’d have no one there to tell you that dress is not a good look for your body type. No one to travel across the country or across the world with, just you, yourself and you in a five star hotel cause you couldn’t pay a friend to travel with you since you'd have none. No one to escape the plantation with when the time came for freedom cause no one woulda clued you in to the revolution.

We reach out to others in friendship, in love, as an attempt to be connected to some thing in this world other than ourselves. –mint julep

We love as soon as we learn to distinguish a separate you and me. Love is our attempt to assuage the terror and isolation of that separateness. –Judith Viorst

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. –1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

Show some love today and let go of that grudge!


Anonymous said...

Love keeps no record of wrongs

Rum Punch said...

Holding grudges makes my head hurt. This is not to say I believe in instant forgiveness or that I don't forget. I mean I'm not trying to play anybody's fool. But if you're really friends, then y'all have to try to take time to hear each other out and repair the damage. One person walking away in a huff, cloud of smoke behind them is so not the business.

Bellini said...

i don't know-- i agree about not harboring grudges 'cuz i don't, but i have no problems distancing myself or wiping the other's existence; but shit you gotta look at someone askance if they were on some bullshit -- you can't quite look at them same

Anonymous said...

I don't know, MJ...It's hard for me to move on and STILL be true to myself when foul ISH goes down with a friend...

I'm usually the I-don't-give-a-damn type, but when a FRIEND violates, it cuts me to the core. I'm a TRUE BLUE friend and it's hard for me to fathom that someone that I considered a friend would do me dirty.

I'm not sure if GRUDGE is the right term...I prefer DEEP DISAPPOINTMENT coupled with a behavior modification on my behalf with a constant giving of the side eye! UGH...I don't operate like that--it's too tiring & too much work! I'd rather clear the air, but it takes two to have a conversation...and even after that, things won't ever be the same.

...and like you said: a friend knows all of your deepest, darkest secrets, so WHY would you want a person that has this knowledge to be your "enemy"?
Aww, damn...now I gotta KILL my friend!!!!

Why can't we all just get along?!?!?

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

that is great advice
i dont hold grudges

mint julep said...

@ anon, yeah true love doesn't!

@ rum punch, yeah you're right about taking time to hear each other. the hard part for me is speaking my hurt cause i'm an avoider of conflict but i'm working on speaking up about when i've felt wronged, even if it is a delayed reaction...

@ bellini, yeah i try not to just wipe someone clean off my slate but more, as you say, shift how i look at them and change my behaviors accordingly

@ mrsmeany, i love "deep disappointment"! kinda goes along w/ "i really didn't like _____ any way but it's the principle of the thing!" ohh if only we could just wipe their memories clean so they wouldn't know any of our secrets and then go on about our business.

@ torrance, i try not too either

Anonymous said...

Wow, excellent post. Made me think, and rethink some things. I feel I'm able to forgive and release (after time heals)....but sometimes "pulling back" is looked on by some as holding a "grudge".

That's the thing about forgiveness. I believe you can forgive totally without being obligated to resume closeness. Then again, one moment's obligation could become another moment's earnest desire...

Funny, how time can work in both sides' favor :)!